《Module9 Unit1 Are you feeling bored》教案教学设计(五上)
《Module9 Unit1 Are you feeling bored》教案教学设计(五上)第2页

Step2 Read again and answer the questions:

1.What's the matter with Lingling's grandma?

Her grandma is ill in hosptal.

2.How is Lingling's grandma?

She is better now.

3.Is Lingling happy?

Yes,she is.

Step3 Read and circle

Students circle the words and phrases they don't understand.Such as:miss,in China,of course not,What's the matter?,in hospital.and so on.

Step4 Listen and read

Step5 Listen and follow

Step6 Role read



1、教学重点词句。课件呈现并教学单词sad, bored, angry

 和句子Are you feeling....(课件)


Are you feeling sad? (happy / bored / angry) (课件)

3、教学重点句型。根据上步学生的实际情况对具体的学生进行具体的提问,教学Are you feeling sad? (happy / bored / angry) ? 学生必须根据自己的实际情况回答Yes, I am. / No, I'm not.

4、操练句型。Let's play a guessing game.(课件)

Are you feeling happy / sad / bored / angry? 及其回答形式

Yes, I am. / No, I'm not.

5、小组合作。每生挑一个自己喜欢的表示心情的单词写下来,让合作伙伴猜问Are you feeling...? 被问的生根据自己写的

单词回答Yes, I am. / No, I'm not.