六年级下册精品《Module7 Unit1》教案教学设计免费下载
六年级下册精品《Module7 Unit1》教案教学设计免费下载第3页

T: How are you today?

Ss: I'm fine. Thank you!

T: Do you like singing songs?

Ss: Yes, l do.

T: OK, let's sing the song "Old Macdonald has a zoo".

Part 2 Lead-in

T: Now, let's begin our new lesson. Look at these pictures. What are these? Who can tell me? (课件出示图片)

Ss: ... (学生可能给出各种不同答案)

T: Yes, these are some pictures about spaceship. (课件上出示spaceship单词,教学生读)

T: Do you know who was China's first man into space?

Ss: Yang Liwei.

T: Yes. You are very clever. And how much do you know about Yang Liwei?

Ss: ...(学生就所了解的信息谈论)

Part3 New lesson

T: Today we will learn more about Yang Liwei and Shenzhou v. Let's study "Module7 Unit1 He spent about twenty-one hours in space." (板书标题) Now, I'll play the video, please listen.(播放音频文件,之后教授新单词flew)OK, let's listen again, and repeat. Then read it. Clear? (学生跟读完音频之后,再进行全班跟读)