《Unit9 Can you come to my party》教学设计教案6
《Unit9 Can you come to my party》教学设计教案6第4页

Step 3 Work on 3a

1. T: Nick can't come to my party because he isn't free until next Monday. What about my another friend Tim? Here are his activities this week. What is he going to do on Saturday?

Help students answer: I'm not sure, he might ...

  2. T: Here are some conversations between Nick and me, can you help him complete them?

3. Tell Ss to read the conversation in 3a and try to complete the answers with might and one of the phrases in the box.

Step 4 Work on 3b:

1.T: Tim isn't available on Saturday, he turn down my invitation too .What about his other invitations?Does he accept or refuse them?Complete the sentence below.

2. Practice in pairs.

Step 5 Group work

1. According to Cindy's timetable, get students to write their own timetable next week. Choose a day and time to have a party. Then one invites his classmates to the party and report whether they accept the invitation or not.

2. Ask and answer

3. Make a report

Step 6 summarize .

  1. Read grammar focus.

  2. Explain grammar focus .

Step 7 Homework.

Unit9 Can you come tomy party ?

Section A 2d ---3c

Can you play tennis with us?

               Sure. I'd love to.

Sorry, I can't. I have to look after my sister at home.


             Would you like to go to the movies?

I'm afraid I can't. I might have to prepare for the math exam.