2017--2018学年译林版必修三Unit 2 Language language points学案1
2017--2018学年译林版必修三Unit 2 Language language points学案1第2页



【诊断练习】用adopt, adapt的适当形式填空。

①Many people want to ________ homeless children from Sichuan.

②She had to ________ herself to local conditions.

③This play has been well ________ from the original.

④After careful discussion, they finally ________ my suggestion.

5.【原句再现】After the Normans took control this was replaced by the French way of making plurals: adding an s, for example, house/houses and shoe/shoes.(P23)



①The old white-black TV has been ________ with the new color TV in the last ten years.

②When you have finished the book, please ________ it on the shelf.

③We need a ________ for the secretary who left.

6.【原句再现】At this point, many English people worked as servants who raised animals and cooked for the Normans.(P23)


【诊断练习】用raise, rise的适当形式填空。

①He ________ and left the room.

②It's difficult to ________ a family with a small income.

③The price of oil has been ________ .

④There will be a ________ in unemployment next year.

7.【原句再现】Today, the spread of 'borrowed words' is due to easily accessed television and radio programs from across the world, and the Internet.(P29)

【知识要点】spread/ expand/ extend/ stretch

【诊断练习】用spread, expand, extend, stretch的适当形式填空。

①Metals ________ when they are heated and contract when cooled.

②The road being built will ________ to the port.

③Flies, mosquitoes and mice ________ diseases.

④Actually, a gentleman should wait for the lady to ________ out her hand first.