教研课《Module10 Unit1 Where are you going》教案教学设计
教研课《Module10 Unit1 Where are you going》教案教学设计第3页


Lead in and




Learn the text (10')

  1, You know summer holiday is coming. We are going to have two months holiday. Where are you going to do? I am going to Beijing to travel with my friends. I am going to take lots of things. And they are all in my bag.

  2, I will show the bag and teach the new words: shoes ticket toothbrush. Then I ask students to guess what is in my bag?

  T: Look at my bag. Do you think what is in my bag. Guess it. I'll take lots of things. Now they're in my bag. What's in my bag? Can you guess?

  S: clothes, shoes, ticket....

  3, I am going to take so many things. Now can you help me make a list of .

  4, I ask some students to talk about where are they going to go? What are they going to take in summer holiday.

  5, Today we are going to learn how to make some preparations. After the lesson, you must make some preparations for your trips on summer holiday.

Lead in



清单 清单 list

list list list. 看看清单有什么。

鞋子 鞋子 shoes

shoes shoes shoes


机票 机票 ticket

ticket ticket ticket.

还有牙刷 牙刷 toothbrush

Toothbrush toothbrush toothbrush


Airport airport airport

 2.Read the text

 T: OK! Boys and girls. Ok, we have learnt the new words about the things that we need to prepare before traveling. Most of you tell me you are going to take clothes, mobile phone, camera, money and so on .

 T : Do you remember our good friend Daming .

 S : Yes.

 T: I am going to tell you good news about Daming. Who can guess. Daming is going to have a trip. He is going to go to New York. Abroad. Do you think what is he going to take?

 T: You guess it. Now let's open the book and turn to 38.

 T: Now let' s listen to the tape and underline the sentences with" where what when who" Are you ready?

T: If you find them. Put your hands up. Oh group one is the best. Goup 1 gets one point. Now ,if I read a word like "what " you should read the full sentence with "what" understand. Ok the first one is "where"

Ok goup2 is the fastest. Goup2 gets one point.

The second "what" . ok goup1 read the most neatly. Gets one point.

Now, next one is "when". Group4 read the most clearly.

Ok. The last one is "who" . perfect goup1 read the most loudly. Oh gets one point. Goup1 is the number1. other groups come on. (我在说这些疑问词时,也同时贴出这些单词)

 T: Now let' s listen to the tape again and underline the answer to the sentences with" where what when who" Are you ready?

 T: Ok we have read it. Now do you find the answers.

 All of you find them out. Now let me read the question and you read the answer. Let me find which group is best. First one "where are you going to go?"

S: "to the airport"

T: You got it and goup1 read the most loudly. Group 1 gets one point. The second question "what are you going to take?"

S: Clothes, shoes, present, ticket, passport, toothbrush.

T: Goup3 read neatly. Get one point. The next one "when are you" going to airport.

S: at seven o'clock

T: all of you are very good get one point.

The last one is very difficult "who is going to the airport?"

S: It's me .

T: Oh. Very very good. You do a good job. Goup4 answer is very simple. (在学生回答的时候,我同时贴出答案)

3, Read the text using different ways.

T: I wonder what are they talking about? Can you tell me?

Now, girls act as grandma, and boys act as Daming.

You should make me understand what are you talking.

Ok. One, two, go.

T: OK ,I know it.. Daming is reading for his trip tomorrow. How is his feeling? Who can tell me his feeling.

Ok , that boy wear yellow clothes . You answer me how is his feeling?

S: He feels nervous.

T: yes, right. He feels nervous. And I want to ask you a question. If you know you are going to have a very important exam, do you feel nervous? Oh yes you feel nervous. Me too. Clever boy. Sit down, thank you.

So do you know the meaning of "nervous"

Yes. Good answer. 是的 它是"紧张的"的意思。

T: Now let's read it together .

4, Say a chant and make a summary

Where are you going to go?

To the airport, to the airport.

What are you going to take?

Shoes, ticket and toothbrush.

When are you going to go ?

At 7 o'clock, at seven o'clock

Who is going to go?

It's me, it's me.