外研版(一起点) > 三年级上M6U1 I’ve got new shots
外研版(一起点) > 三年级上M6U1 I’ve  got  new  shots第3页

(三)课文学习Text learning(18分钟)

1. Watch the CD-ROM and circle "have got"

【设计意图】通过视听感知,带领学生进入课文情境,关注重点句型have got.

2.Listen to the tape and find the answers, then discuss in groups.

There are two questions for Ss. Q:1. What has Sam got?

2. What has Daming got?

【设计意图】在对课文情境有了充分的理解后,通过问题找答案,更加简洁明了的找出本课的目标语句: I've got new shorts and new shoes. I've got a new football. 并且还采用了小组讨论的方式,来提高自主学习的能力。

3. Talk about the things around you with your partner.

e.g. I've got a pencil. I've got a book. I've got...

【设计意图】通过周边东西的小练习,激发学生的学习兴趣,并巩固 "I've got a(an) ......"小组竞赛的方式更能激发学生的学习兴趣。

4. Listen and repeat


5. Read the dialogue in roles.


(四)训练巩固 Practice(10分钟)

1. Look at some pictures and make the sentences. Activity 4.

2.Choose the right answers.

3.Guess and fill the blank


(五)任务完成 Task completion(4分钟)

Have a competition in groups. The more sentences members say, the higher score they have.


(六)小结与布置作业 Summary and homework(2分钟)

Sum up the knowledge and the skills of this lesson.


1.Read the text fluently. (注意语音语调)