《Module4 Unit2 What's the matter with Daming》教学设计
《Module4 Unit2 What's the matter with Daming》教学设计第4页

  (一)Part 1

  1、What's the matter with Ben? Let's watch the video and find out the answer


What's the matter with you, Ben? A. I lost my book. B. I lost my cap.

Did Ben find (找到)his cap?

Did Lili help Ben?

Yes, we should help the others.

【设计意图】由于第一部分内容简单,孩子们没有生单词,所以直接听一遍,再跟读一遍,学生已经能掌握这一部分内容的含义,通过不同形式的两个问题,帮助学生巩固了这一部分内容,同时也进行了一定的拓展:由What's the matter拓展到了What's the matter with you?,方便下一部分过渡到What's the matter with Daming?第二个问题中的find更是为第二部分的学习奠定了坚实的基础。在学生回答完问题后,很自然地引出了"当朋友遇到困难时,我们应该帮助他们"这一话题,对学生进行了德育教育。

  2、检测评价: 课件呈现不同孩子及物品,集体操练句型。


  3、小组合作,藏起同桌的某一物品,询问:What' s the matter with you, XXX? 回答:I lost my ...



(二)Part 2

  We know Ben lost his cap and he found it , But Daming isn't happy. What's the matter with Daming?(板书课题)Please watch the video and answer these questions:

  1. What's the matter with Daming? A He lost her bag. B. He lost his bag.

  2. What was in his bag? A. 图片呈现皮鞋 B.图片呈现运动鞋。

  3. Where were his sports shoes? A. In the bag. B. On the school bus

  4. Where was his bag? A. 图片呈现校车 B. 图片呈现公交车

Let's watch the video and choose the correct answer.