Unit2 I think that mooncakes are delicious教学设计教案10
Unit2 I think that mooncakes are delicious教学设计教案10第3页





Step 2 Check the preview.

T: Boys and girls! Let me check your preview. If you know the answers, you can translate them. Please stand up without putting up your hands. Then I'll give you one mark. Let's see which group is the best.


Warm up and lead in (此部分是视频,详见课件。)

T: Now, let's watch some videos.

Enjoy the videos about the poet Qu Yuan.

T: Qu Yuan is one of the greatest poets in China. In order to honor him, we celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival every year. There are many important and interesting festivals besides the Dragon Boat Festival in China. Can you speak out the name of other festivals?

Ss: Yes.

T: What are they?

Ss: They are the Spring Festival, the Lantern Festival...

T: It seems you know a lot about Chinese festivals. Let's come to 1a.

Show the pictures to the students and ask the students to match the pictures with the descriptions.