外研版英语《Module6 Unit2 How old are you》教学设计教案
外研版英语《Module6 Unit2 How old are you》教学设计教案第3页

 T: Who is nine, too? Stand up!

T: So we can say: I'm nine, too. (板书 "I'm nine, too. 我也九岁了")

(教师让所有站着的同学跟读"I'm nine, too ")

T: Hello , how old are you? Are you six?

S2: No.

T: How old are you?

S2: I'm eight.

T: Thank you. Now , who is eight, too? Stand up!

(教师让所有站着的同学说"I'm eight too.")


1、Listen and repeat

T: Now , open your books and turn to P27\28. 请大家先仔细地看书,想一想我们的Mike和LiuMei,Lishan和Lily他们在说什么?


T: Right. Let's listen to the tape , then answer my question.(请大家带着问题来听录音,how old is Mike, how old is Lishan,how old is LiuMei)

T: How old is Mike?

S1: Mike is nine..

T: How old is Lishan?

S2: Lishan is eight

T: Great! Now, read after me!




  2、学唱英语歌曲《How old are you?》

3 问小动物年龄



问题: T : Good morning! Boy/girl. What is you name?

S: My name is ****

T: How are you?

S: I am fine , thank you.

T: How old are you?

S: I am ......