精品《Module10 Unit1 This is his head》教案教学设计免费下载
精品《Module10 Unit1 This is his head》教案教学设计免费下载第4页


Seek friend (找朋友。)

I have friends, Daming has friend, do you have friend? now, You must seek friend in your group then introduce him or her. One minute, go!

(1)教师示范指令一名男同学 ,学生做动作,如:This is his head/leg/foot/arm/hand.



Introduce friends.

T:Do you like these pictures? Introduce the picture ,if you are right, you can get one .

[设计意图]:运用Introduce friends的游戏来巩固句型,能避免反复跟读让学生产生厌烦的心理,增强学生对句型的记忆最主要的是真正的达到能学以至用教学目的;针对小学生注意力不得持续久的特点,设计Introduce friends的方式来操练句型能有力地调动学生的积极性,这些卡通人物大都集中他们的注意力。

Step 5 Chant

head ,head , 点点头

hand ,hand , 拍拍手

arm, arm, 伸伸臂

leg , leg , 踢踢腿

foot , foot , 跺跺脚