【名师指导】2018-2019学年译林版高中英语选修七教案《Unit 1 Living with technology》welcome to the unit & reading1 教案
【名师指导】2018-2019学年译林版高中英语选修七教案《Unit 1 Living with technology》welcome to the unit & reading1 教案第2页

How many of you have an electronic dictionary?

How do you look up a word in such a dictionary?

Which do you prefer, an traditional paper dictionary or an electronic one?


Can you make a list of the electrical appliances and electronic devices you have at home?

electrical appliances: a machine, usually one that is electrical, that is used for doing jobs at home, such as washing clothes or cooking.

Most homes now have numerous electrical appliances, from dishwashers to microwave ovens.

electronic devices: a usually small piece of equipment, especially advanced electronic equipment

Some cars are fitted with a safety device which won't let the car start unless passengers are wearing seat belts.

 Microwave ovens Refrigerators TV sets Digital camera

Step 4 : Picture talking

What kind of TV do you have at home?

What differences can you find between the TV in your home and the TV in this picture?

  What kind of pictures did early TV have?

Picture1: Early TV was in black and white and had bad fuzzy pictures.

In the past what did people need when they wanted to record music?

How do people record music using a computer now?

Picture2: Now we can record music using computers.

How do you look up a word in a paper dictionary?

Which do you prefer, an traditional paper dictionary or an electronic one? Why?

Picture3: Dictionaries never looked like this before.

How did people keep in touch in the past?