三下外研版英语精品《Module5 Unit1》教案教学设计免费下载
三下外研版英语精品《Module5 Unit1》教案教学设计免费下载第5页

 Where is Amy?

A. She is at home.

B. She goes to school on Mondays.

板书at home on Mondays 通过呈现图片的形式帮助学生理解新词汇的含义。

板书She/He goes to school on Mondays.领读教学该句型。

(4)呈现TOM的图片,T: Who's that? 板书词汇who并教学。

听录音,完成听力练习: Does Tom go to school on Mondays?

A. Yes, he does.

B. No, he doesn't.

(5)Think about the question: Why doesn't Tom go to school on Mondays?

引出句型Tom is only two years old.板书单词only year 并进行教学。


1.Listen and repeat. Work in group.

T: Now work in your groups, you can read it together or one by one. If you have some difficulties in reading, put up your hands ,then I can help you.

2,Read in roles.

(五) Homework

1.Read the new words.

(If you have some difficulties困难 , please circle圈出 the words and ask the teacher for help帮助.)

2. Listen and try to imitate模仿 the dialogue对话.


M5U1 She goes to school on Mondays.


on the phone


friend She/He goes to school on Mondays.