2019学年度人教版必修4Unit2Working the land Period5Using language教案设计(3页word版)
2019学年度人教版必修4Unit2Working the land Period5Using language教案设计(3页word版)第2页

Collocations from ORGANIC FARMING

gain a meaning 有某种含义, refer to...与......有关;提到,说到或涉及到;参考,参阅, make the soil fertile使得土壤肥沃, natural waste from animals动物的粪便, put...in the field把......放在土里, make the soil rich使得土壤肥沃, become healthy变得健康, develop a healthy soil改良健康的土壤, reduce diseases 减少疾病, grow strong and healthy变得强壮而且健康, keep...free from...使......脱离......, leave...in the ground把......留在土里, as a result因此, get exhausted变得无力, kill bacteria and pests杀死细菌和害虫, insist on...坚持, change crops改变作物, be followed by...紧跟着, put...back into ...把......放回到......, need a deeper level of soil需要深层的土壤, prefer doing sth 宁愿/喜欢做某事, plant...between crops在两种作物之间种......, prevent...from...阻止......做......, carry away...把......带走, make sure that 确保...... 3. Doing exercises

Now you are going to do exercises 1, 2 and 3 on pages 14 and 15.

4. Listening

Turn to page 15 for the listening exercises 1 and 2. Are you ready?

5. Reading, speaking and writing

When trying to argue people into or out of doing something we may use the following expressions:

I would rather... I don't like...because... I'd prefer...because It's a great pity that... Should I / we...? It's better to... This is good value because... If I have a choice I'd choose...because What is the advantage of...? You need to... In pairs you are to make up a dialogue to argue each other into or out adopting organic farming. Get started.

6. Writing a poster

Writing a poster which includes all the information about the uses of computer so that you will encourage more farmers to buy and use. You are asked to base your poster on the overall pattern of the article you have learned. Limit your poster to between 200 and 250 words.

7. Writing a speech

Write a speech for Professor Yuan Longping. He is to attend an international conference on modern agriculture. You may also make use of the library and network resources for the task.