《Unit6 When was it invented》教学设计教案免费下载6
《Unit6 When was it invented》教学设计教案免费下载6第3页

Step 1. lead-in

1 What will you do if you are thirsty?

2 Do you like drinking tea?

3 Do you know who invented tea? When was tea invented? And how was tea invented?

4 play the song on the screen

Step 2.Presentation

Ⅰ Read 3a

Ask the students to read the passage quickly and do 3a.

check the answers.

Ⅱ the first paragraph

1. Ask the students to read the first paragraph after the tape, then read together ,make sure every student can read the passage fluently.

2. Ask some questions.

(1) When was tea first drunk?

(2) How was tea invented?

(3) Who was it invented by?

4. Check the answers .

5. Read the article again and explain the key points (by accident , smell)

Ⅲ. the second paragraph

1. show the pictures of Lu Yu and his Cha Jing

2. ask the answers and allow the students to discuss in groups

(1) Who is called "the saint of tea"?

(2) What is Cha Jing about?

3. check the answers.

Ⅳ the third paragraph.

1 play the radio and have the students read after the tape.

2 Ask a question.

When was tea brought to other countries?

3 check the answer.

4 Explain the key points,


Ⅴ Give students more practice

on key words.

(1)Ask the students to do the exercises, and invite five students to write their answers on the blackboard.

(2) check the answers.

Step 3. Summary.

Have a free talk

Enjoy the song

Answer the questions in 3a

Read after the tape

Answer the questions in 3b

Learn the key points and do exercises

Brainstorm something about Lu Yu and his Cha jing

Discuss in groups

Read the text

Answer the question

Fill in the blanks with the words, 通过图片,欣赏歌曲《中国茶》的MV,使学生在优美的歌声中,感受中国茶文化的源远流长,激发学生对文章的学习兴趣。









布置 1 Recite the new words and Section A 3a.

2. Retell the story

思 本堂课的优点:

  1.能充分利用多媒体容量大,直观性强的特点。通过呈现学生感兴趣的图片来调动学生学习的积极性,尤其是使用超链接以欣赏歌曲的MV导入,很受同学们欢迎。引发学生的求知欲,创造了传授新知识的契机, 激发了学生学习英语的兴趣和获取新知的急切愿望。





