外研版英语《Module9 Unit1 We laughed a lot》教学设计教案
外研版英语《Module9 Unit1 We laughed a lot》教学设计教案第2页

① theatre.

The men wore women's clothes.

The women wore men's clothes.

The actors told lots of jokes.

It was very funny.

We laughed a lot.

We went to a restau rant after the show.

We all ate hamburgers and chips.

② 找出动词过去式:went wore told was laughed ate

   与动词原形连线。go wear tell is laugh eat

 ④Answer the questions on your paper.

A. Where did Lingling go last week?

B. What did the men and the women wear?

C. What did the actors do?

D. Where did they go after the show?

E. Wheat did they eat?

4. Practice

Students take out their own pictures to describing what did they do .

5. Do Activity Book.

①Exercise 1 Listen and complete the text.

②Exercise 4 Read and circle the correct words.