《Unit8 How do you make a banana milk shake》教学设计教案26
《Unit8 How do you make a banana milk shake》教学设计教案26第3页

Step1 :Pre-reading

1. Match the traditional Festivals with the traditional food.

Traditional Festival : Spring Festival Dragon Boat Festival Mid-autumn Day Birthday

Traditional food : Zongzi Mooncakes Long noodles and eggs dumplings

2.Guessing game

(1). Mid-autumn Day is a traditional festival in China.( )A. 传统的 B. 古老的 C. 习惯的 D.神话的

(2).It is a time to give thanks for food in the Autumn.( )A. 赠送感谢给...... B. 对......表示感谢

(3). He is a great traveler , he plans to travel around the world.A. 攀登者 B.滑雪者 C. 旅行者 D.梦想家

(4).They won the singing competition, we all celebrate this by having a big meal together.( )

     A. 欢迎 B.庆祝 C. 推荐 D. 享受

Step2: While-reading

1. Fast-reading (快速阅读)快速阅读全文,完成任务

(1).Skimming (略读) 观察课文标题和文中图片回答问题:

What is the article mainly about? It's about_______________ and how to make a _________________

(2). Scanning(扫读) Number the pictures in 2b( 小组合作,根据课文,将p61 课文旁图片排序 )

2. Careful-reading(仔细阅读)

(1).Read Para1 and finish the mind-map with your group (读第一自然段并和你的小组完成以下的思维导图)

Where to celebrate:_______________ 1.from :_________________

When to celebrate:_________________ 2.when:___________________

Thanksgiving Why to celebrate:____________________ The first 3.What happened:__________________

How to celebrate:___________________ travelers' story _________________________________

Main dish:_______________________ 4.What did they do in their new homes?

(2)What is the main idea of Paragraph1?

A. The history of Thanksgiving B . Eating turkey on Thanksgiving

C. The first travelers from England on Thanksgiving

(3).Read Para2-7 ,finish the mind-map(读第二到七自然段,自己独立完成以下思维导图)

First, _____ ____________some bread pieces, onions, salt and pepper.

Here ____one way Next, _________the turkey ________this bread mix.

_____ ______ Then, _________the turkey _______a hot oven and ______it _____a few hours.

turkey dinner_____ After that, ________the turkey _____a large plate and _______it _____gravy.

a Thanksgiving dinner Finally, _______the turkey _____thin pieces and eat the meat _____vegetables.

3. Post-reading

1. Repeat the passage

2. Now, you know how to make a turkey dinner, please put the sentences in order and then write down " first, next, then ,finally "(和你的小组先将下列句子按先后排序,再在横线上写出表先后顺序的" first, next, then ,finally ")

________, serve it to your friends with some vegetables.

________, put this into the bird.

________, cook it at a very high temperature for a long time.

________, put everything you need together in a large bowl.

4. Discussion(Group work)

Task1:About giving thanks

1. Thanksgiving is a day to give _____________for ________and ___________.

2. Should we only give thanks on Thanksgiving Day? If not, when?__________________________________

3. What people or things do you want to/need to give thanks for?_______________________________________

  I want to give thanks for _______________________________________________________________________

Task2:About traditional Festival in China

1. What do you think is the most special day in China?____________________________

2. When is this special day?_______________________________________

3. Why do people celebrate it?_________________________________

4. Is it a Chinese traditional Festival in China? _________________________________

5. Is there any traditional food? What are the main dishes or traditional food?_____________

6. How do you make them?




1、 traveler 名词,旅行者 ,travel 动词,旅行,travel around the world=travel all over the world周游世界

2、 celebrate 动词,庆祝,celebration 庆祝(仪式),名词

3、 Most Americans still celebrate this idea of giving thanks by having a big meal at home with their family。

by doing sth 通过做某事

4、mix together...... 将......混合在一起 mix up 混合 5、fill......with ......用......填满/装满 6、place ......on...... 把......摆放在......上 7、cover ......with ......用......覆盖

8、小组讨论put ...in 和put...on. cut...up和cut... into用法。

put ...in_____________ , put...on__________________ cut up______________, cut... into______________ 当堂检测 Thanksgiving Day




1.Dumplings are Chinese___________________ (tradition ) food .

2. Where are these____________ (travel)from?

3.I often learn English by __________(read) aloud in the morning . How about you?

4.Here is a way__________ (make) delicious cakes..

5.What's the weather like in a___________ in the north of China ?

6.Do you ______________ (庆祝) your birthday every year ?

7.The ______________(盘子) that my mother bought yesterday is good .

8.The t __________________today is very high . 5.Do your parents grow ______________ (甜椒) on the farm ?


(1) 美国的感恩节。_______________________________________________

(2) 他们在新家里感谢生命和食物。They _________ _____________ __________ life and food in their new home .

(3) 今天,大多数美国人仍然通过和家人一起在家吃大餐的方式庆祝感恩节。

These days, most Americans still celebrate this idea of giving thanks by________ _____ _______ _______ at home with their family .

(4).你应该把烤鸭切成薄片我们再吃。 You should________ the dunk _________thin pieces before we eat it .

2.请用一块布把桌子盖上。 Please _________ the table __________ a cloth .

3.我们应该对父母提供的一切表示感谢。We should __________ _________ for everything that our parents give us .