《Module6 Unit1 You can play football well》教学设计教案
《Module6 Unit1 You can play football well》教学设计教案第2页

引出新词汇"well, team, control, really, catch, fantastic,

run fast

jump high

pass the ball

catch the ball "的学习。




(1)师:多媒体展示周杰伦唱歌图片,教师问:"What can he do?"

生:"He can ---"

I think(认为) he can sing well.

He has lots of fans.

I am his fan.

He is good at singing.进一步学习"think"和"fan"以及"be good at"

师:"Can you sing?"

学生分别上台展示,"let's have a match."教师借此巩固well."She can sing well."



(2)、教师依次出示乒乓球、跑步、跳高、跳远、的闪烁图片,让学生在猜的游戏中练习"He can ---"并巩固well的用法。并引出单词really的教学。引导学生说I think(认为) he/she can --- well. He/she can join our team。并选出参加足球队的队员。

(3)、师:出示姚明的图片,讲解单词"catch "的用法,并拿篮球让学生开展接球比赛,A:"Can you catch the ball ?" B:"I can catch the ball well。" C::"I can't catch the ball well。" I am his fan. He has lots of fans. 引导学生说I think(认为) he/she can catch the ball well. He/she can join our team。并选出参加足球队的队员。进一步巩固well、fan、be good at的用法。

【设计意图】通过学生所熟悉的篮球明星姚明的照片学生上台比赛展示教学单词"catch "和词组 catch the ball well、不仅能激起学生学习的兴趣,而且很好地学习本课重点catch the ball well.I am his fan.

(4)、接着引出:"There a very important person in the football team. Can you guess?"借此讲解"goalkeeper"的含义和读法。出示两幅足球中抓球的图片,讲解catch的用法。并从中选出好的队员。
