2018-2019学年外研版高中英语必修三教案:Module 1 Europe
2018-2019学年外研版高中英语必修三教案:Module 1 Europe第2页

Period Five:


本节课主要是复习、巩固本单元已经学过的句型、生词和表达法。如果时间允许,可以适当增加课本10页的TASK 的内容,学习用英文整理、编撰中国某一地区的"事实档案"(Preparing a fact file on a region of China)。学生课前利用图书馆、网络等手段收集某一地区的facts,课上教师出示若干file范例,指导学生完成a fact file on a region。


第一课时 Period One: Listening and speaking

第二课时: Period Two: Reading

第三课时Period Three: Writing

第四课时Period Four: Grammar &Language Study

第五课时Period Five: Consolidation(Revision)


Period One: Listening and speaking

Learning aims 1. To practise listening skills

2.To learn about more European cities

3. To review the practice the "tag questions"

Teaching focus and difficulties

1.The students can practice listening and try to identify the 3 European cities

2. The students can learn to grasp the information required according to the tasks

3.The students can practice using tag questions and grasp the different tones used to show different purposes.

Teaching methods:

The deductive way and communicative way

Teaching procedures and designs:

Step 1::Lead-in (3minutes)

Listen to a song: Home, and ask the students to name the cities in it

 Have a free talk about Cardiff, Valencia, Edinburgh and so on.

Step 2 : Listen and answer the questions (5minutes)

1: Where is Edinburgh? In Scotland or in England?

2: Where is Cardiff? In Scotland or in Wales?

3: Where is Valencia? In Italy or in Spain?

Step 3: Listen again and fill in the chart (5minutes)

  Amy Helen Carles Comes from Cardiff Comes from Edinburgh Comes from Valencia Is studying English Is studying French

And Chinese Is studying German and Russian