【学霸课堂】2018-2019学年译林版高中英语选修7学案(江苏省专用):M7U1 Project
【学霸课堂】2018-2019学年译林版高中英语选修7学案(江苏省专用):M7U1 Project第2页

 (6) the circumstances are, when the telephone rings, everything is interrupted. Real relationships are often (7) , and whatever personal peace one has is destroyed whenever the phones rings. Possible(8) of proper use of phones Maybe we should (9) away all of our phones into the dustbin.

Maybe we should (10) . 三、形成性检测

1.In the USA, the Amish-___________ ____________ _______________(一个基督教团体)-are famous because they drive carriages _____________ ___________________ cars, do not use TVs or refrigerators, and do not have _________________ __________________(私人电话).

2._________ _____________(实际上),_________(无论何时)a new technology is _____________(引进), the Amish meet and discuss its __________ __________ ___________(优点和缺点).

3.________________ (由于)the Amish ______________ _____________ each other _________ _________ __________(重视面对面的交流), they ____________ ____________ _____________(反对拥有电话) in their houses.

4.Then, when you __________ __________ ___________(专注于)a book or simply trying to rest...

5.Phone __________ ___________ ___________ ____________ _____________(似乎总是响个不停), ___________ ______________ peace you might have(打破了你本来可以享有的一切安宁).

6. Maybe we should throw all of our phones into the dustbin, _____________ ____________ (连同)our cars and TVs _____________ ______________ ______________(额外地).

7.Maybe we should ____________ ourselves ______________ (摆脱)modern technology and return to simpler times.