人教版(精通)四年级上Unit3 It's a pineapple.
人教版(精通)四年级上Unit3 It's a pineapple.第3页

(3)同法教授:apple, pear, lemon,将其图片贴到黑板上。教apple一词时,注意an的使用 (先不讲语法、语音知识,重在体验和领会。)

(4) T:This pineapple is so big. I like it very much.

  A(学生名字),This pineapple is for you. It's for you.

  T:Why will I give this pineapple to him/her? 同时引导这个同学说For me ? Why? 引导其他学生说Why for him/for her?

教师再次播放Happy birthday to you.的歌曲,学生们很自然地就会想到今天是这个同学的生日,并说:Happy birthday to you.向他/她祝贺。

(5)(将准备好的小礼物送给今天表现突出或有进步的同学,引导他说For me ? Why? T: You did a good job today.

(6)listing and read:

Step 3 : Practice

(1)分小组练习,教师出示图片(物体的一部分)让同学们以竞赛的方式对 What's this in English? It's a/an... 进行练习。

(2) listing and draw

(3) 选出优胜组,教师把准备好的贴画送给这一组,T:It's for you., Step 4 Assessment




Lesson 13

What's this? It's a/an...

pineapple lemon
