2017--2018学年译林版必修三Unit 2 Language language points学案
2017--2018学年译林版必修三Unit 2 Language language points学案第3页

(=to start to deal with or think about something in a particular way)

e.g. The store recently adopted a drug testing policy for all new employees.

California has adopted a tough stance(姿态) on the issue.

*同义词(to look after a child who is not your own for a long time) adopt • foster • guardian • in care

adopter n. [c] 养父母 adoptee n.[c] 被收养者 adoption n. 收养,采用


1) record v

(1) vt. 记录 e.g. Her husband made her record every penny she spent.

record +that从句

e.g. He recorded that the operation was successful.

  In 1892, it is recorded that the weather became so cold that the river froze over.

(2)vt./vi 录音,录制

e.g. The group has just recorded a new album.

  Is the machine still recording?

  I'll record the film and we can all watch it later.

(3)vt. 记载下来 (=if an instrument records the size, speed, temperature etc of something, it measures it and keeps that information)

e.g. Wind speeds of up to 100 mph have been recorded.

2) record n.

(1)记录,记载 [C]

e.g . The fact that they have had the test will be noted on their medical records.

  keep a record

  medical/dental records

  school records

  historical records

  a written record

  place/put sth. on record (=include something in the official records)

  be on record (=when something you have said is written down)

  access to records (=the right to see a record)


e.g. As a student, he broke the Scottish record for the 100 metres.

  break/beat a record

  hold a record

  smash a record (=beat a record easily)

  equal a record

  a world record

  an Olympic record

(3) 唱片[C]

e.g. I spent a lot of time listening to records.

My dad's got a huge record collection.

a major British record company

8. be made up of 由...组成,由...构成

e.g. This museum is made up of three parts.