Unit9 What does he look like教学设计教案免费下载13
Unit9 What does he look like教学设计教案免费下载13第3页

Step2 Introduce the occupation "police artist" (Prepare for paragraph1)

T: There are nine kinds of occupations which we are familiar with. But today, I will introduce another occupation to you.

T: Before I introduce it. let's see some pictures.

T: Look at this picture. What does he do?

(He is a police)

(show three pictures )(drawer/artist, criminal)

T: What does a police do?

-----Find the criminal and protect people.

T: What does an artist do?

-----Draw pictures.

T: What does a criminal do?

------Do bad things.

T: Now, let's see the new occupation. It's police artist. From the word, we can see a police and also is an artist. Can you guess what a police artist do? Please discuss with your partner. One minute, go!

T: Time is up. Who can have a try? ......

T: Do you want to know the right answer? Read paragraph1 in 2b.P49. And find the right answer by yourselves.

利用循序渐进的方法,先以学生熟悉的职业警察、画家和罪犯为例,询问其职业只要是做什么的,进而引入police artist 这个职业。通过小组讨论,猜想其职业是做什么的。最后让学生带着问题和好奇心进入阅读,自己寻找答案。(培养学生对阅读的兴趣和自主学习能力)
