外研版Thanksgiving is my favourite festival教学设计教案
外研版Thanksgiving is my favourite festival教学设计教案第2页

5、Learn the fllowing patterns(学习下列句型)

①What do you do on Flag Day?

②Can you tell me more about American festivals, Simon?

③On Thanksgiving Day we say "thank you" for our food, family and friends.

④I think I like Thanksgiving too!

Step5 Play a game(游戏)

Step6 Summary(总结)

Step7 Assignment of homework(布置作业)

Teaching reflection(教学反思)

The 2nd period(第二课时)

Step1 Greeting(师生问好)

T:Class begins.

S:Stand up.

T:Good morning, boys and girls.

S:Good morning, teacher.

T:Sit down please.

Step2 Revision(复习检查)

1、Review the new words.(复习单词)

Listen to the Chinese meanings and write down the words.(听中文写英文)

flg; football; flag; special; meal; sound.

2、Make sentences with the words and expressions given(用所给单词和词组造句)

3、Review the patterns(复习句型)

①What do you do on Flag Day?

②Can you tell me more about American festivals, Simon?

③On Thanksgiving Day we say "thank you" for our food, family and friends.

④I think I like Thanksgiving too!

4、Review the dialogues(复习对话)

①Chain drill(快速连锁问答)

②Quick translation from Chinese into English(快速还原翻译)

③Give the answers to problems quickly(快速给答案)

5、Recite the text(背诵课文)

Step3 Practice (练习)

Write about Christmas and talk about it.(写关于圣诞节的事情并谈论它。)

Step4 Assignment of homework(布置作业)

Teaching reflection(教学反思)