【学霸诀窍】2018-2019学年外研版高中英语必修三学案设计:例句精讲 Module4 SandstormsinAsia Word版含解析
【学霸诀窍】2018-2019学年外研版高中英语必修三学案设计:例句精讲 Module4 SandstormsinAsia Word版含解析第3页

and how to look after it.


【要点剖析】seriously adj.认真地;危险地;think seriously about认真地考虑......;get sb. to do sth."使某人做某事"。

We're trying to get them to understand that we are doing an important and necessary job.



think highly of 看重    think twice衡量

think well of 重视 think little of 看轻;看不起

think nothing of轻视;认为无所谓

think aloud或think out loud把某人的想法有声地表达出来

think well of sb.对某人印象好;看重某人