【名师指导】2018-2019学年外研版高中英语必修5探究学案:Module3 Adventure in literature and the cinema(Period1)
【名师指导】2018-2019学年外研版高中英语必修5探究学案:Module3 Adventure in literature and the cinema(Period1)第3页

Book 5 Module3

Adventure in Literature and the Cinema

Module3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema

Period 1 Introduction& Reading and Vocabulary


1.adventure 2.biography 3.curious 4.beard 5.fright 6.crawl 7.trunk

8.threat 9.fantasy 10.pour 11.shelter 12.detective



1,have connection with 2,it looks as if 3as quiet as mice

4, to one's astonishment 5, be curious about 6,I've had enough of you

7,persuade sb to do_/ into doing sth 8,be tied up with

9, after a couple of hours 10,ahead of , in front of


1.half, in, out, of 2. as, if, under 3.board 4. paddled, on, to, as, as 5,lying, tied, up 6. lying, enough, shoot 7. die, of , fright 8. persuaded, tied 9. shelters

10. curious 11. fright 12. crawl 13. panic 14. detective murder 15. biography

16. solve 17. companions 18 account


1. on account of

2. has__ ___no _ ___connection__ __with___

3. _ran___ ___away____ ___from____

4. died_______of ___

5. persuaded________ ____him___ __to_____ ___see_____

6. tie____ _to__

7. poured___ ___down_____

8. _To___ __my___ __astonishment__

9. as______ ____if__

10. watching___the ____football__ ___match_____