2019学年度人教版选修七Unit Four SharingPeriod1Warming up and pre-reading教案 (4页word版)
2019学年度人教版选修七Unit Four SharingPeriod1Warming up and pre-reading教案 (4页word版)第2页


重点词汇和短语: volunteer, clinic, challenging, over the last few years, in the future, in two week's time, a couple of, developing country, Medicines Sans Frontiers (MSF), Malawi, Sudan, The Fred Hollows Foundation, The Cancer Council, Youth in the City, go blind, belief

Why did Mary decide to work in a developing country?

In the Sudan, why was it nearly impossible for Mary to get to the clinics when the rains came?

Why were conditions in the clinics in the Sudan challenging?

语言技能目标: 通过听一段采访, 了解默里夫妇作为一个志愿者为Medicines Sans Frontiers工作的经历, 提高学生听前预测, 注意细节信息等听力方面的技能.

情感态度和文化意识目标: 借助听力材料, 让学生自己思考是否会像莫里夫妇那样做志愿服务工作. 把学生的实际和所听到的内容结合起来, 培养学生正确的价值观.

教学重点: 1) 学会边听边注意听力材料中的细节信息, 并作笔记. 2) 在讲述个人生平时, 常采用时间表达法. 学会关注对话中的时间表达法以及出现的先后次序.

教学难点: 1) 根据列表掌握听力材料中的细节信息. 2)学习采用时间表达法来表述一个人的生平.

Step 1 Lead-in

Lead in the new text by asking some questions:

1. Some questions

1) Have you ever helped others?

2) What did you do to help your parents, your friends or your relatives?

2. Make a class list of the different things our classmates do for each of the groups on the survey form.

3. Discuss whether someone who helps the groups on the survey form can be called a "volunteer"?