
15. be determined to do ________________ 16. 比......有优势 ______________________

17. 赚钱 ___________________________ 18.按照_______________________________

19. 把某人扶起 _____________________ 20. the toughest course to run ___________

21. 回答,答复______________________ 22. 不仅......而且......___________________

23.永远,一直以来___________________ 24. 即使______________________________

25.每周三次_________________________ 26. 那并不重要________________________




I grew up in a neighborhood that many city kids can only dream of: a quiet street that was our adventure park: a street filled with kids whose parents had to drag us inside for dinner, most of the time long after the sun had retired for the night.

Our street was also a zoo. There were cats, dogs, birds, fish, sheep, rabbits, horses, not to mention all the little things we caught and decided to keep as pets. But these farm animals weren't just farm animals. They were our friends.

Everything was great. I loved my life and never wanted anything to change. Then a day arrived that would ruin everything. The day they said, "We're moving." Dad's job had been relocated, and I would soon be leaving everything I had ever known. I cried. "We are going to live near the beach," I kept hearing, but it was no comfort. I hated my parents for doing this to me, for putting an end to the series of colorful adventures. I watched as removal trucks were filled with boxes my life had been shoved(挤) into, but I knew that there was one thing that wouldn't fit into a box. My neighborhood and