2018-2019学年度人教版必修二Unit 5 Music-Reading教案 (1)
2018-2019学年度人教版必修二Unit 5 Music-Reading教案 (1)第3页

  common frog. His name is Freddy. He has a special quality. Can you guess what special quality Freddy has?




  Step 3 Prediction

  Describe Freddy's life experience and let the students guess what will happen next.While talking about Freddy's life experience,show the relevant pictures to attract the class' attention.

  T:When Freddy was young,he was a little tadpole. As time went by quickly,he soon became a frog. One day,Freddy sat on the water lily leaf and slid his long,thin legs into the water Suddenly,he heard some music across the lake.Then what would happen?

  S1:He found a snake.

  S2:He found his friends.

  S3:He found a nightingale.

  Step 4 Listening for the General Information

  Let the students listen to the tape for the first time and answer the following questions.

  T:You have many difficult ideas about what will happen to Freddy. Now let's listen to the story about Freddy and see what Freddy found when he swam slowly towards the sound.

  (Play the tape for the first time. After listening,ask some students what they have got.)

  T:So have you got the answers? What did Freddy find when he swam slowly towards the sound?

  S:He found three confident frogs sitting still on the leaf and playing the instruments.

Step 5 Listen for the