教学《Module6 Unit1 I went there last year》教学设计
教学《Module6 Unit1 I went there last year》教学设计第2页

2、Sing a song "Where did you go?"

Step2: Presentation

(Show some pictures of the teachers' traveling in Sanya.)

T: Look! This is me. I went to Sanya with my son last year. We saw beautiful sea and moon. (引出生词moon).

T: There are lots of beautiful places to go in China. Let's guess what cities are they? (通过幻灯片出示Beijing, Shanghai, Hainan, Xinjiang.) Where did you go for your holiday?(Ask some students about their holiday.)


T: Amy and John are also talking about their holiday. Do you want to know where did John go for his holiday? And how did he get there? Let's listen and find out the answers.

a. Where did John go for his holiday?

b. How did he go there?

Step3:New lesson

T: Lingling has got some interesting photos.(幻灯片出示Lingling的照片)Do you want to see them?

Ss: .......

T: Ok. Now let's go back into Lingling's photos to see what happen by this time plane. Please fasten your seat belt, Now let's go!