外研版英语教研课《Module9 Unit2 I feel happy》教案教学设计
外研版英语教研课《Module9 Unit2 I feel happy》教案教学设计第3页

  再发奖品. 教学smell)


  Step2. Leading-in

  T:Now I know you have different feelings. There are some pupils. They have different feelings, too. Let's see ----How do they feel?


  Step3. Presentation

  1. T: Let's listen and look, then answer: How do they feel?

   (听音任务一) 用CD-ROM播放,听音后,对照幻灯片图片回答:How do they feel?

  2. T: Now let's listen, point and repeat. Make sure you can read correctly. Then line down the new words. (听音任务二)

   Oh, where is my book? I lost my book. I can't find it. Who can help me?


  (用点读笔点读,处理生词: 1.grandfather---- grandpa( 注意其发音); 2. farm---- on the farm; 3. won--由已学单词winner ,win引出过去式won,有利于学生归纳总结;)

  3. Listen and repeat. (用点读笔点读听音前,布置小组合作的任务,)

   A: Today I helped my grandfather on the farm all day.

  B: Do you feel tired?

  A: Yes, I do.

  4.小组合作。 A: Today I helped my grandfather on the farm all day.

  B: Do you feel tired?

  A: Yes, I do.

(展示优秀的小组发放apples作为奖励,并用What can you smell? 提问,再发奖品)