Unit2 What time do you go to school教案教学设计免费下载16
Unit2 What time do you go to school教案教学设计免费下载16第2页

教学过程Step 1 Say the time

1. Show the clocks and ask them: -What's this in English?

-What time is it?

2. Show the way how to express the time.

Step 2 Presentation

1. Show a clock, ask them to say the time

2. Show the picture and let them to say

What does he do?

If they cannot say, let them say in Chinese. Show the English of the action: get up,

3. Ask him: What time do you usually get up?

To show the sentences and read.

4. Do the others one by one in the same way.

5. Teach 'take a shower' and lead them to guess the time that Rick takes a shower

Step 3 Listen and say

1. Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks in page66 2a, and choose one to say.

2. Listen and complete the tablet.

3. Ask them to talk about the shower schedule for Rick's family.

4. Choose some pairs to say.

Step 4 Look, listen and match

1. Page 65 let them look and match the picture.

2. Listen and match the time.

3. Show the pictures and let them to say again.

Step 5 Interview

2. Show some pictures they may do, and let them try to say English.

3. Show the tablet and let them discuss in groups of 4.

4. Report what they get.

Step 6 Homework

Write a short passage about the tablet they interviewed 作业布置:熟读课文和单词并预习下一节课 教学(后记)后思:多读才能有语感

课 时 教 案

课题:Unit 2 What time do you go to school? 第 2 课时 总序第 6 个教案 课型: 新授课 编写时间:2014年 2月 27 日 执行时间:2014 年2月28 日 教学目标:1.知识与技能:通过本单元的学习,使学生掌握相关的时间表达方法以及相关的词汇,能够就生活中的时间安排及日常活动来交谈;通过情景设计来激发学生学习的学习兴趣,并培养学生的自主学习和与他人合作的精神;通过谈论作息时间及日常活动,培养学生合理安排作息时间的意识2.过程与方法:启发式教学和讨论法3.情感态度与价值观:让学生能合理安排作息时间 批注 教学重点:(1)时间的表达法


(3)本单元的新词汇多及内容跨度大也给学生在理解和掌握上带来了一定的困难。 教学难点:write an essay about their daily abilities. 教学用具:班班通 教学方法:多媒体辅助教学法 教学过程:Step 1 Warming up

1. Check their homework and ask some questions from their report:

What time does he usually get up?

2. Show the time and ask them to say in different ways.

3. Show the actions they learnt and ask them to say, then to make a sentence.

4. Show 6:30 8:10 11:20 4:15 and ask them to say.

Step 2 Presentation

(1) Show the new pictures of actions and let them try to say: brush teeth, do homework, go to bed, wash face,play computer game.

2. Ask them to ask and answer in pairs by using the drills in this unit;

Choose some pairs to say.

Step 3 Listen and circle

2. Check and let them spell the words.

3. Listen again and write the times 2b.

4. Check and let them ask and answer in pairs, and help them to use 'when'.

Step 4 Read and say

1. Ask them to read page 67 3a and match the pictures.

2. Check and let them to say the words again.

3. Ask and answer questions about the time in pairs.

Choose some pairs to say.

4. Read the massage and fill the blanks.

Scott I Study very long hours Gets up at 17:00 Go to school by bike Works all night Get home at 17:30 Go to bed at 8:30 5. Ask them to exchange the message and say something to the partner.

Step 5 Homework

Read section 3a and write a similar passage.