免费下载三年级下册外研版英语公开课《Module5 Unit1》教学设计
免费下载三年级下册外研版英语公开课《Module5 Unit1》教学设计第4页

  T points to the card of "go to school" on the blackboard, ask: What does Daming do on Mondays?(将go to school书写在黑板上的四线格里)Teach "go to school"(say and do the actions) and learn it.

  4. Find the other phrases and lead the Ss to grasp them.

1) on the phone Way: TPR

2) at home Way: work in groups

5. Guessing words.利用卡片做猜词游戏

Call three students to come to the front.(教师出示短语卡片,上面同学做动作,下面同学说出短语,做出相应的动作。可练习2组。)

  6. Listen to the tape and repeat. (先个人站起复述,再全班跟着复述一遍)

  7. Open the books, read and point.

  8. Practice.

  Step 4 Consolidation and extension(巩固与扩展)

1.Practice: 描述美羊羊的活动。

  2.Talk about the actions of themselves. T:我们已经知道了大明的日常活动,现在来说说你们自己吧! (Practice in pairs, talk and show)(Stickers as reward)

  Step 5 Summary(小结)

Today, we have learnt how to describe somebody's activities in English. We should cherish time, here are 2 proverbs about time