免费下载三年级下册外研版英语公开课《Module5 Unit1》教学设计
免费下载三年级下册外研版英语公开课《Module5 Unit1》教学设计第3页

三、Teaching procedures(教学过程)

  Step 1: Warm up

  1. Greetings.

T: Good morning, boys and girls. Ss: Good morning, Miss Wang.

T: How are you today? Ss: I'm fine, thank you. And how are you?

T: I'm fine, too. Thank you.

  2. Sing a song.

T: OK, let's sing a song together. Please show me your hands.(多媒体视频) "Ten Little fingers."

T: You did a very good job!

Step 2: Lead in

  1.(出示实物钟面)T points to the phone, ask: What's this? "A phone."

  2.Teach the new word "phone". (Show the word card.) 老师教授单词"phone"时,①学习字母组合"ph"的发音;②用phone↘. phone↗ Point to the phone.变换语调,读单词。

Step 3: Presentation(呈现新知)

  1. Listen, point and say.

First, listen to the tape for two times. (整体感知课文)

  Second, listen to the tape again, find out the new words.

  2. Listen, point and find "goes", "does".

3.T: What does Daming do on Mondays?Listen again, then answer.