外研版英语《Unit1 She had eggs and sausages》教学设计
外研版英语《Unit1 She had eggs and sausages》教学设计第4页

email:(课件出示图片)T: Do you know email? It's a computer message.It can go from one computer to another computer. Daming got an email from Lingling.

Step 3 consolidation of words and sentences:

T: Now let`s read these words and sentences together.

Step 4 Text learning (课文学习)

1 、T : Well done! Class! Your pronunciation is very good。Now let`s look at the screen again and then answer three questions.

(1) What did Lingling have for breakfast?

(2) What did Lingling have for lunch?

(3) What did Lingling have for dinner?

Read the text in pair . (以比赛的形式进行课文朗读)

Step 5 Extension :

1、 Ask and answer

A: What did you have for breakfast/ lunch/ dinner yesterday?

B:I had for

2、 Practice in groups

Modle:A: What did you have for breakfast/ lunch/ dinner yesterday?

   B : I had...for... .

A: What did she/he have for breakfast/ lunch/ dinner yesterday?

C: She/He had...for...

Step 6 Homework: