免费下载《Module10 Unit1 Where are you going》教案教学设计
免费下载《Module10 Unit1 Where are you going》教案教学设计第3页

T: Well, who had travelled to some place?

S: 学生回答

T: When did you go there?

 What did you take?

 What did you do there?

(学生逐一回答后总结)I think you had a lovely time, Yes?

S: Yes!


Step 2 Learning new words

T: I like travelling too. This weekend, I am going to go to Qingdao. I'm going to take something to Qingdao. (出示幻灯片)

This is Qingdao. Do you like Qingdao?

S: 学生回答

T: I am going to take something to Qingdao. They are in my bag. Look, I made a list. This is a list. (出示list单词卡片) Last term, we learnt shopping list .


2、(出示装满物品的包) Who can guess: What are there in my bag?

(学生随意猜测,猜中时及时总结)Yes, I'm going to take ......

3、遇到生词,学生猜不出时,取出相应物品并说I'm going to take shoes.


T: Look, listen to me carefully. (举一只鞋)shoe, shoe, shoe