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免费下载《Module10 Unit1 Where are you going》教案教学设计第4页

(举两只鞋)shoes, shoes, shoes.(出示单词卡片领读,学生跟读)



T: I'm going to go there by plane, so first I'm going to go to the airport. (出示幻灯片)Look, this is the airport.



Step 3 巩固单词

T: Now, please close your eyes and tell me what are there in my bag? Who can answer?

S: 学生回答,如果漏掉请其他同学补充。


Step 4 理解课文

  Daming is going to have a trip. He is going to go to New York. Now, he feels nervous.(出示背景单词 nervous、trip,简单介绍学习)What is Daming going to prepare for his trip ? Let's listen to the tape and look at the text.

1、Listen and underline sentences with "Where What when who"

2、Read the text and answer: (幻灯片出示问题)

Where is Daming going to go?

What is Daming going to take?

When is Daming going to go to the airport?