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Riddles (大屏幕显示谜面让学生猜)

T:I have some riddles about animals. Listen carefully,please.

1. They have got four legs. They climb trees very fast. They've got a long tail. They like bananas. What are they?(monkeys)

T: Can you do like a monkey? Can you copy it?


2.They have got four legs,too. They are strong and big. They're the largest animals on land. They've got long noses. And they like water. What are they? (Elephants)

3. They're fat. They're black and white. They live in China.What are they? (pandas)

4. They have got no legs. They are long. And they've got small heads. What are they? (snakes)


T: A clever boy!/ A clever girl! Fantastic! Great!

T: Well, children. This class we'll talk about animals..

StepⅡ Presentation

T: Grandma gives Daming a present. It's a CD-ROM. (手持光盘)


T:What is it about? Let's have a look.

StepⅢ Text:

1.Watch and listen ,then answer questions:

(1)How many animals can you see? (Two.)

What are they? (They're pandas and snakes.)



(2) T:Pandas are very fat and cute.I like pandas. Do you like pandas? What do pandas like to eat?

T:Yes,they like to eat bamboo. (学习单词bamboo, 卡片板书:Pandas love bamboo.)

Chant 巩固:

bamboo, bamboo

Pandas love bamboo. (2.4拍)

2. Let`s watch and listen again , choose the right answer.


(1.)Listen and choose:

How long do pandas eat every day?

A .two hours B. ten hours C .twelve hours

T: Pandas eat for twelve hours a day.

(教师卡片板书:They eat for twelve hours a day. ,生用一口气练习句子)


T: You're fantastic!

(2) T: Pandas eat for twelve hours a day. Do you believe it? I don't believe it.(表情加摇头动作)


(3)T: They're lucky pandas! (卡片学习单词lucky)

T: You're a lucky dog. (Can you guess the meaning?)

若学生猜对,师生其说句子表扬:Fantastic, fantastic, you're fantastic!

在整个学习过程中,师用鼓励语言Fantastic!You're fantastic贯穿整堂课!

3.Listen and watch, answer a question: (观看课文动画第三、四段)

Question: Do snakes like music?Why?

No, they don't.Because snakes can't hear.(卡片板书句子It says snakes can't hear.)