2018-2019学年度人教版必修六Unit 1 Art-language points教案(1)
2018-2019学年度人教版必修六Unit 1 Art-language points教案(1)第2页

 3) Could you make the abstract idea more clear?

2. belief n.

不可数,相信(in sb/sth);

可数,信仰,复数为 beliefs

believe v.

believe sb/sth 相信某人所说的话/某事

believe in sb/sth trust sb信任某人 信仰(宗教等)

believable adj.可信的

unbelievable adj.难以置信的

believe it or not信不信由你

be beyond belief 难以置信

1) We hold /have the belief that we can overcome the difficulty.

2) We don‟t believe in God. We believe in communism.

3. consequence n.

后果,结果重要性 ;

take the consequences承担后果

consequent adj.

consequent on/upon 由"引起的,跟随发生的

consequently adv.as a result; therefore结果 因此 所以