《Module1 Unit1 She's a nice teacher》教学设计教案免费下载
《Module1 Unit1 She's a nice teacher》教学设计教案免费下载第2页

Step1:Warm up:

1.Greetings and free talk.

T:Hello, girl/boy!(找同桌)What's your name? How are you today?

S: My name is ···. I am fine, thank you.

T: Hi, xxx. You are so cute.

T:Is she/he your friend?

S: Yes, he/she is.

T: Good! We all have some friends. And am I your friend?

S: No, you are not.

T: I think we will be friends after class.

T: look at the screen: dog--nice yixiu--clever do TPR--naughty do TPR--shy

(设计意图:通过free talk来引出本模块的主课题--Friends。同时用图片和TPR来初步展示本课的重点单词)

2.Ok, boys and girls! Do you want to play games?

Let's play a passing game--- pass the box when I play the music, when I stop the music, the student who has got the box should stand up and choose one card. And then come to the front. (小包中包含7个单词卡片,分别为she is a nice teacher,these,friend,游戏结束后,及时对学生进行表扬鼓励,并且带领学生读课题she is a nice teacher,复习以前接触的单词these,friend)

设计意图:(通过此单词小游戏,一方面调动学生学习并且参与英语的积极性,一方面引出本课的主课题--She is a nice teacher, 将本课题放到黑板上,并且通过及时的表扬和鼓励给小组加分的形式开始本课的竞争合作之路,为更好的学习课文做好铺垫。)

Good,boys and girls!You have done a great job! Today we are going to learn Module 1 she is a nice teacher.

Now look at me carefully!

① Do the word nice/a bit/shy/clever/naughty's TPR, let students guess ,tell them and read after teacher.


② Write the words on the blackboard, show little fingers , write the words and let students write the words on their papers.

设计意图:(给学生的书法做以良好的示范, 并且培养学生良好的书写习惯,为更好的开展课文讲授做一铺垫)

③ Choose some students' writing to the students and encourage them according to their writing performance.


T: Excellent! You have done a great job!