《Unit7 Will people have robots》说课稿免费下载4
《Unit7 Will people have robots》说课稿免费下载4第2页

2. Learn about what robots can do now and what robots will be able to do in the future.

Part4. Teaching Difficulties

1. Understand some difficult words, phrases and sentences.

2. Be able to make predictions about what robots will do in the future.

3. Give opinions about whether it is good for humans to live with a lot of robots in the future.

Part5. Teaching Methods

1. The method of discussing (讨论法)

Discuss what robots look like now and what robots will look like in the future .

Discuss what robots can do now and what robots will do in the future.

2. The intuitive method of teaching.(直观法)

Lead in by a video to arouse students interest.

3. The task-based teaching approach(任务型教学方法)

The whole teaching process will be carried out by learning and reading tasks. During the process, the students will become the real masters of their learning and reading, while the teacher acts as a director. In this way the learners will experience the knowledge and eventually acquire it.

Part 6. Teaching Aids.

I will use multi-media(PPT,video), making the class more lively and interesting .I will also use some traditional teaching aids,such as blackboard, cards and chalks.

Part7. Teaching Procedures

Step1. Lead- in by showing a video about robots .

Lead students discuss what robots look like and what they can do in 2035 according to the video.

(Purpose: To stimulate students' interest and focus students' attention to the class. At the same time lead in today's topic.)

Step2. While-reading

1. Predicting

Look at the title of the passage and the picture on the book page 53. Predict what the passage is talking about.

(Purpose: To develop the ability of predicting what the passage is talking about according to the title and the information appeared in the reading material including the pictures.)

Fast Reading