《Unit7 Will people have robots》说课稿免费下载4
《Unit7 Will people have robots》说课稿免费下载4第3页


Read the passage quickly and finish 2b. Then get the main idea of each paragraph.

Tips: Reading for meaning, not for details

(Purpose: To develop the skills of skimming . And let students read with tasks to improve their reading ability.)

3. Careful Reading

(1) Scanning

Read the passage paragraph by paragraph with different tasks.

Read Para. 1, and answer :

A. In what kind of movies ,we sometimes see robots?

B. What are they like?

Read Para. 2. complete the sentences.

A. Robots can build_____________ in factories.

B. They can do ______jobs many times and not get bored.

Read Para. 3 decide True or False.

( )1.Some robots in Japan are fun to watch, because they can dance and walk.

( )2.scientists are trying to make robots look like animals.

( )3.we can make robots move like people and think like a human .

( )4.Scientist James White believes that robots will never be able to do the same

things as we can.

Read Para 4. complete the diagram.

Robots in the future

At last make a summary with a mind map.

(2) Read with the tape and finish 2d

(Purpose: To develop the skills gaining the details of the article. Reading aloud with