优质课《Module6 Unit1 Were you at home yesterday》教学设计
优质课《Module6 Unit1 Were you at home yesterday》教学设计第2页


教学内容: 单词:yesterday、out,well,thanks, sun, lesson, village

      句型:Were you at home yesterday? Was it a big city then?


Step 1 创设情境,激发兴趣(Warming-up)

 1. (the teacher greets the whole class, and then greets individual students.)

 T: Hello, everyone! How are you?

S: I'm fine, thank you. And how are you?

T: I'm very well.

Step 2呈现学习新单词

1. Free talk:

  T: Boys and girls, just now I said I'm very well, now look at this card how to read this word "well" yeah very good! (呈现单词卡片)反复纠正发音.learn the new words. Take the new words in sentences and to learn 教学生词 "thanks, sun lesson yesterday " 板书句子: Were you at home yesterday? Then ask and answer.

  学生读句子: Were you at home yesterday ?

  Yes I was / no, I wasn't.

 2. 反馈:Do you like music? Now Let's have a chant. Show activity1's chant first listen second follow the tape to read and then ask student to show us.

Were you at home yesterday?

Were you at school yesterday?