外研版英语教研课《Module9 Unit2 I feel happy》教学设计教案
外研版英语教研课《Module9 Unit2 I feel happy》教学设计教案第2页

 c. smell: we use nose to smell.

( T ask some students to smell fruit.)

T: What can you smell? Ss: I can smell ...

T: So, how do they feel? ( Ss listen, repeat and say.) [tired→fireman]

Ss read it together.

 T ask Ss to act the textbook out.

A② a. Ask 2 Ss to read the dialogue for example.

b. Ask Ss to act the text out in pairs.

Conclusion: conclude words about feelings.


1) AB U2E1 Listen and number.

2) AB U2E2 Read and guess

3) Look and say: ( Ss look at the pictures on PPT.)

a. How does he/ she feel?

b. Why does he feel happy? Does the boy feel happy? ( Ss look and answer.) Then try to act this section out.

c. Guess why do the other people feel .... The act out.

