《Module5 Unit1 It's big and light》教案教学设计免费下载
《Module5 Unit1 It's big and light》教案教学设计免费下载第4页


T: Look, Is this pencil broken? Is it new? 出示烂铅笔说It's broken. It's old and short. And this oen is new and short.


T: 教师随机拿学生的另个铅笔盒,让学生进行比较说句子。

Ok, now, let's talk about this pictures.


Step 3 Learn the text

1 T: Do you kown Lingling. Lingling's bag is broken. Ms Smart want to buy a new one. Let's listen to the tape and think of these questions.

What does Lingling need?

Which bag has got pockets?

Which bag has got wheels?

Which bag do they buy?

2 解决问题,并听读第二遍。

3 质疑:Do you have any quesyions to ask me or your classmate?


It's= It is

It's got= It has got

在文中this green one的one是什么意思?

4 全班齐读课文

Step 4 拓展