外研版《Module5 Unit1 It's big and light》教案教学设计
外研版《Module5 Unit1 It's big and light》教案教学设计第2页

T: Great!

2. Let's chant《 Who is tall?》

T: Well done, class, thank you ! Now let's play a game.(活动意图:此项活动伴着节拍和动作让学生感觉到教师的亲切,同时培养学生讲文明有礼貌的习惯。)

Step 2 Games

游戏:1. "五彩缤纷"复习颜色词:red , yellow, blue, green, orange, purple, biack.

2. 快速抢答反义词:old-new, big-small, tall-short, fat-thin, clean-dirty, long-short( 图片配单词 ) .


Step 3 Presentation(单词,句子学习)

用实物和课件创设情境学习 hard easy broken pocket light heavy

T:. Girls and boys. Spring is coming. I will go to have a picnic this weekend. I want to take many things. But my bag is broken . (出示一个书包learn the word "broken")

Have the students read after the teacher. Then read it one by one.

T:I want to buy a new one. Let's go to the Department Store.(出示CAI) Oh, so many bags. Guess! Which one does Ms Lin like?

I prefer the red bag. Because it has got 2 wheels. It's big and light. (出示课题并板书)It'll be easy for me. I'll take it.


Step 4 Learn the text

1. 导入课文Today ,Lingling wants to come back to China. But her bag is broken, too .So Ms Smart wants to buy a new one for her. Now open your books, listen to the tape and answer.( 根据对话内容设计第一个问题,what's the color of the three bags?带着问题,边听,边看课文边思考,然后回答第一个问题。)

2. 听读第二遍,根据录音完成表格。