2019-2020学年北师大版高一英语必修4精品教案:Unit11 Lesson3 The Advertising Game第一课时
2019-2020学年北师大版高一英语必修4精品教案:Unit11 Lesson3 The Advertising Game第一课时第3页

Step 2 T demonstrates some advertising slogans and lets Ss give Chinese for them.

(PPT 4-11) 通过图片和广告语,帮助学生感知广告世界,体会广告语的含义,为阅读课文做准备。 CW

2' Pre-reading Step 3 T encourages Ss to speak out the advertisements they have seen and where they have seen them.

(PPT 12)

T explains the words, "advertise, advertisement, advertising, advertiser" by showing a paragraph.

(PPT 13) 1) 帮助学生熟悉话题。

2) 帮助学生理解对应汉语"广告"的不同英文词语的含义。 CW

3' Step 4 T asks Ss to predict the general idea of the text. 渗透预测的阅读策略。 IW

1' While-reading Step 5 First reading: Ss read the text quickly and choose the best one from the given general ideas. (PPT 14) 核对预测信息,了解文章大意。 IW - CW

3' Step 6 Second reading: Ss read the text again and give a heading for each paragraph.

T gives the main idea of each paragraph in a random order and has Ss re-arrange them.

(PPT 15) 培养学生概括段落的能力。 IW - CW

5' Step 7 Third reading: Ss read the whole text carefully to answer the questions in Ex. 3 on page 26.

Ss work in pairs and check the information they get from the text. Then T gets the feedback from the whole class.

(PPT 16-20) 培养学生获取信息和处理信息的能力。 IW - PW - CW
