英语公开课《Module1 Unit1 Go straight on》教学设计教案
英语公开课《Module1 Unit1 Go straight on》教学设计教案第5页

  S1: "It's a dog."

  T: Do you like it?

  Ss: Yes, I like it.

  T: What's wrong with the dog?


  引出并教授单词:lost, turn left, turn right, go straight on。师板书课题go straight on。

  Step 3. 呈现与机械操练(Presentation and controlled practice)

   呈现:1. 师在课件上呈现出方向标志,教学turn left, turn right, go straight on

   师举起自己的左手,This is my left hand. Left, left, left hand. 师教读学生"left ,left , turn left ,turn left.",师板书turn left,然后做向左转的动作,学生站起来边学说边做动作并认识向左转的标志。

  2.依此法教学动词短语turn right。

3.师把自己的袋子放在一位学生的桌子上,T: Where is my bag? Ss point to it. T: Oh, turn left. Go straight on. It's here.