Unit9 I like music that I can dance to教学设计教案免费下载18
Unit9 I like music that I can dance to教学设计教案免费下载18第3页


Step 2. Pairwork(5M)

(1) Ask a student to make conversation with the teacher

(2) Ask students to make the similar conversation with their partner using the helpful praises.

设计意图: 教师请几个好的同学作榜样示范。让大多数学生有一个从观察、聆听、模仿再到自主表述的准备过程,减少学生内心的焦虑,促使他们积极主动,生动活泼地学习。

Step3 1a (3M)

Show the pictures and the sentence of 1a . Read the sentences and ask students to repeat.

设计意图: 再次进行语言的输入。

Step 4 Listening practice(10M)

(1) Ask students to listen to the tape and finish 1b

(2) Check the answers

(3) Show the listening passage and ask students to listen to the tape again and repeat

(4) Show the listening content of 2a with some blanks and ask students to listen to tapes and fill in the blanks

(5) Play the tapes for 3 times and ask some students to write their answers on the blackboard

(6) Check the answers

设计意图: 通过听力练习,培养学生养成正确的听力习惯,训练学生听音获取处理和使用信息的能力。简单有效的听、说、读训练,发展语言技能,提高学生运用英语的能力。

Step 5 Reading practice(9M)

(1) Ask students to do some true of false activities and fill in the blank of 2b according to the content of 2a

(2) Ask some students to show their answers and check

设计意图: 通过这个任务的设计,让学生初步懂得略读的技巧

Step 6 Summary and evaluation(5M)

T: Now let's look at the sentences we have learnt. Can you find the similar?

Try to get students to find out the important points of attributive clause

The Things I Can Do Evaluation

I have mastered that praises and sentences learnt in class 5 4 3 2 1

I am active and intelligent in class performance. 5 4 3 2 1

I work with my group members well to solve problems. 5 4 3 2 1

I can give my fellow students some useful help and tips. 5 4 3 2 1

I have made progress and experienced success 5 4 3 2 1

设计意图: 通过课堂评价表的使用,旨在让学生学会反思本节课学习内容,反