外研版三年级上 MODULE 7 Unit 1 What's this?
外研版三年级上 MODULE 7 Unit 1 What's this?第4页

  1) 完成活动1. Listen, point and say. 学习如何初步介绍别人

  2) 教师展示不同学科的教师照片,教授句型

  This is my teacher, Ms.../ Mr... 小组内练习、展示

   3)Ms Smart在课堂上开展了一个有趣的活动,眼力大比拼,让我们一起学习课文,然后也开展这个活动吧!(感觉这个切入不自然,您有好的意见吗)

  3、Text-learning and practice:




  This is our school. This is our classroom. This is our English teacher, Mr Wang. Yeah! It's me! They are my students. You are pupils.


  And this is my school. This is my classroom. This is my English teacher, Ms Cheng.

  引导学生说出This is my_______.

  4)出示一半的pen pencil chair desk boy girl door window blackboard bird desk panda dog cat cap拼图块让学生猜:

  T:What's this? Can you guess?

  Ss: It's a pen/pencil...
