外研版《Unit1 Why do you have cups on your heads》教案
外研版《Unit1 Why do you have cups on your heads》教案第3页

Step1:Warm up:


  2.Recide the Activity2 in groups one by one.

  3.Have a dictation about the past tense verbs and the new words in groups

Step2: Presentation

1.Listen and repeat one sentence by one sentence and let them pay attention to the pronunciation of the past tense words again

2.Let the class read together

Then let the class read in groups. At last Let the class read one by one.

3.Let them recide Pra 3 by themselves .(限时背诵)

1)Read the past tense words in groups.

2)Retell by themselves with the words one picture by one picture.

3)Check in groups.(一个组员复述,其余的人真听并纠错)

4)Show their retelling in class.(及时鼓励合作学习突出的小组)

Step4: Practise

1.)教师出示第四部分图片,示范第一幅图片,then ask some pupils to ask and answer in class.

2.)Ask and answer in pairs.

3.)Write them down.(之后组内互查纠错。)


Step5:Exercise in class





2. Recite the text of Unit1 again

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